Thursday, September 11, 2008

Failure are not to be Feared but faced - Indian and Western Thoughts

I was discussing with my wife about a small project on Library management. After 2 hours of discussion she was extremely excited about the future of the project and its prospect.

The next questioned I asked her “What if you get a job tomorrow, will you take the offer?”. She answered “Yes, of course”. Though the answer was what I was expecting, it startled me.
She was sure about the success of the project, yet she would prefer a job (which could be boring) to the fantastic existing project.
The reason is “India Culture to Western Education?”

Indians are GIVEN the Receipe to Succeed, but Western Educators TEACH on How to Overcome Failure – Give and Teach
Don’t we know that “Failure is the stepping stone of success”, yet our culture has only taught us to follow roads to success. If the road was the reciepe to Success, tested and proved, where comes the question of failure? We all succeed but since we don’t know how to handle failures we do never take “Road less travelled or Road never travelled”

Google was a failure College Project when explained to entrepreneurs, until Google owners themselves decided to become entrepreneurs. The rest is Future to answer.
Oracle was a project dropped by US Defense, yet Larry decided to complete the project, only to become the second Largest Player in IT industry.

We might explain this phenomenon to US booming economy. Larry and Sergey Brin were not multi millionaires to accomplish the task. The difference was the belief they had in product and the energy to overcome failure. My own Client had failed 4 times to succeed the fifth time.

Indian Family Binding to Western Independent attitude
Does not India have the economy today? I now earn fair enough to sustain the family and my wife can take all the risks. Yet she believes in earning now, because she needs to sustain a better life style for the Family and Future kids. Probably she might have taken the risk, if not for the family. Westerners can afford to take the risk, because the failure does not adversely affect the “Family”. Though this might sound logical this is not true. Why so, because..
Indians should be taking more risks as we have a family to support even if we fail. But our Culture has never taught us to work with failure and failures are feared. In fact Failures are considered to signs of demons and bad omen.

Mahatma Gandhiji himself might not have succeeded, if he had not had western influence within him. His methodology was a Road never travelled, yet he believed, and more important he knew how to overcome failures.

The moment Indians believe in themselves and are taught to overcome Failure by not fearing them but facing them, we are not far from making India a Super Power.

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